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import "Turbine.UI"
import "Turbine.UI.Lotro"
import "InstantCosby.InstantCosbyButton"
create a small window with a button in the corner
set it to be mostly clear unless moused over
set it to accept a button click
end constructor
show cosby function
create a huge window with a picture of cosby
play a cosby sound if possible
buttonWindow = Turbine.UI.Lotro.Window();
buttonWindow:SetPosition( 10, 10 );
buttonWindow:SetSize( 100, 100 );
--buttonWindow:SetText( "Instant Cosby" );
theButton = InstantCosbyButton();
theButton:SetParent ( buttonWindow );
local windowWidth, windowHeight = buttonWindow:GetSize();
local buttonWidth, buttonHeight = theButton:GetSize();
theButton:SetPosition( ( windowWidth - buttonWidth ) / 2 , ( windowHeight - buttonHeight ) /2 );
buttonWindow:SetVisible( true );
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