import "Turbine";
import "Turbine.Gameplay";
import "Turbine.UI";
import "Turbine.UI.Extensions";
import "Turbine.UI.Lotro";
import "Turbine.Utils";
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- PluginSlot is a simple object that allows data to be saved and
-- loaded as part of the CustomPluginManager.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
PluginSlot = class( Turbine.Object );
function PluginSlot:Constructor()
Turbine.Object.Constructor( self );
-- the Reset function both initialized and resets the PluginSlot
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reset
-- Description: reset the plugin slot to default values
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlot:Reset()
-- what is the name of this plugin?
self.PluginName = "";
-- what version is the plugin?
self.PluginVersion = "";
-- who is the author?
self.PluginAuthor = "";
-- what is the plugin package?
self.PluginPackage = "";
-- what is the plugin script state?
self.PluginScriptState = "";
-- where is this plugin stored?
self.PluginDirectory = "";
-- what Icon do we use on the plugin manager?
self.PluginIcon = "";
-- is this plugin valid? this will be used when the plugin information
-- is saved to disk. when we load it from disk, we will verify that the
-- plugin still exists and set this member accordingly
self.PluginValid = false;
-- is this plugin currently loaded?
self.PluginLoaded = false;
-- has the user marked this plugin as one of their favorites?
self.PluginFavorite = false;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copy
-- Description: copy all the members from the input to our members
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlot:Copy( pluginData )
self.PluginName = pluginData.PluginName;
self.PluginVersion = pluginData.PluginVersion;
self.PluginAuthor = pluginData.PluginAuthor;
self.PluginPackage = pluginData.PluginPackage;
self.PluginScriptState = pluginData.PluginScriptState;
self.PluginDirectory = pluginData.PluginDirectory;
self.PluginIcon = pluginData.PluginIcon;
self.PluginValid = pluginData.PluginValid;
self.PluginLoaded = pluginData.PluginLoaded;
self.PluginFavorite = pluginData.PluginFavorite;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- PluginSlotContainer is a simple object that allows interaction
-- with the plugin that lies within. this is the interface class
-- that provides functionality to set favorites, load, and manager
-- the plugins.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
PluginSlotContainer = class( Turbine.UI.Window );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constructor
-- Description: the plugin slot container sets up its window, but
-- waits until the Initialize method to do anything with the
-- visual appearance of the slot.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:Constructor()
Turbine.UI.Window.Constructor( self );
-- --------------------------------------------
-- members
-- --------------------------------------------
self.pluginSlot = FrostyPlugins.CustomPluginsManager.PluginSlot();
self.owner = nil;
-- --------------------------------------------
-- window layout
-- --------------------------------------------
-- set window properties
self:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/DefaultPluginBackground.tga" );
self:SetSize( 32, 40 );
-- we automatically add the frame around all icons (to provide a
-- consistent interface!) in order to do that, we need a window
-- that we can set a background on. the window also applies a
-- highlight indicator by shifting the background color.
self.windowFrame = Turbine.UI.Window();
self.windowFrame:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/PluginFrame.tga" );
self.windowFrame:SetBackColorBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay );
self.windowFrame:SetParent( self );
self.windowFrame:SetSize( 32, 40 );
self.windowFrame:SetVisible( false );
self.windowFrame.MouseEnter = function( sender, args )
self.windowFrame:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 0.5, 1, 1, 0 ) );
self.windowFrame.MouseLeave = function( sender, args )
self.windowFrame:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
-- right click menu / mouse handling
self.windowFrame.MouseDown = function( sender, args )
if ( args.Button == Turbine.UI.MouseButton.Left ) then
-- what happens if the user left clicks on our plugin? nothing now...
if ( args.Button == Turbine.UI.MouseButton.Right ) then
-- build the menu items in the context menu
local contextMenu = Turbine.UI.ContextMenu();
local contextMenuItems = contextMenu:GetItems();
local loadMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Load Plugin" );
loadMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
self:LoadPlugin( true );
local unloadMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Unload Plugin" );
unloadMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
self:LoadPlugin( false );
local favoriteMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Load on Startup" );
favoriteMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
self:SetFavorite( true );
local notFavoriteMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Unload from Startup" );
notFavoriteMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
self:SetFavorite( false );
local refreshMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Refresh Plugins" );
refreshMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
local setIconMenuItem = Turbine.UI.MenuItem( "Select Icon" );
setIconMenuItem.Click = function( sender, args )
-- initialize the context menu
if( not self.pluginSlot.PluginLoaded ) then
contextMenuItems:Add( loadMenuItem );
if( self.pluginSlot.PluginLoaded ) then
contextMenuItems:Add( unloadMenuItem );
if( not self.pluginSlot.PluginFavorite ) then
contextMenuItems:Add( favoriteMenuItem );
if( self.pluginSlot.PluginFavorite ) then
contextMenuItems:Add( notFavoriteMenuItem );
-- we always show the refresh and icon options
contextMenuItems:Add( refreshMenuItem );
contextMenuItems:Add( setIconMenuItem );
-- the overlays are small icons that give status to the display.
-- loaded is a green check in the lower right corner
-- favorite is a red heart in the lower left corner
self.loadedOverlay = Turbine.UI.Window();
self.loadedOverlay:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/LoadedOverlay.tga" );
self.loadedOverlay:SetBackColorBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay );
self.loadedOverlay:SetMouseVisible( false );
self.loadedOverlay:SetParent( self );
self.loadedOverlay:SetPosition( 16, 26 );
self.loadedOverlay:SetSize( 16, 16 );
self.loadedOverlay:SetVisible( false );
self.favoriteOverlay = Turbine.UI.Window();
self.favoriteOverlay:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/FavoriteOverlay.tga" );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetBackColorBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetMouseVisible( false );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetParent( self );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetPosition( 0, 26 );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetSize( 16, 16 );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetVisible( false );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- SetOwner
-- Description: set the oner of this PluginSlotContainer. It is
-- expected that this is the CustomPluginsManager
-- Params:
-- owner - CustomPluginsManager - the owner of the PluginSlotContainer.
-- used to callback when the state of the PluginSlot changes.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:SetOwner( owner )
self.owner = owner;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Initialize
-- Description: update the plugin slot with the information passed
-- into the function.
-- Params:
-- pluginData - pluginData - the information read from disk and used
-- to populate this container
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:Initialize( pluginData, manager )
self.pluginSlot:Copy( pluginData );
-- use the plugin's icon for the display, otherwise, if it does
-- not have one, use the unknown plugin background
if( self.pluginSlot.PluginIcon == "" ) then
self:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/UnknownPluginBackground.tga" );
self:SetBackground( self.pluginSlot.PluginIcon );
-- turn the frame on the window
self.windowFrame:SetVisible( true );
-- turn on the favorites or loaded frame
self:SetVisible( true );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- RefreshOlverlays
-- Description: based on the state of the (member) pluginSlot
-- turn the overlays on or off
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:RefreshOverlays()
local visible = false;
if( self.pluginSlot.PluginLoaded ) then
visible = true;
self.loadedOverlay:SetVisible( visible );
visible = false;
if( self.pluginSlot.PluginFavorite ) then
visible = true;
self.favoriteOverlay:SetVisible( visible );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reset
-- Description: reset the plugin slot to an empty slot with no
-- graphics and all data reset to the default values
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:Reset()
-- reset any window modifications
self:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/DefaultPluginBackground.tga" );
self.windowFrame:SetVisible( false );
self.loadedOverlay:SetVisible( false );
self.favoriteOverlay:SetVisible( false );
self:SetVisible( false );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- LoadPlugin
-- Description: the user has right clicked on this plugin and requested
-- that it be loaded. Make it so!
-- Params:
-- bLoad - boolean - flag if the plugin should be loaded or unloaded
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:LoadPlugin( bLoad )
if( self.owner ) then
self.owner:LoadPlugin( self, bLoad );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- SetFavorite
-- Description: the user has right clicked on this plugin and requested
-- that it be marked as a favorite (loaded on startup).
-- Params:
-- bFavorite - boolean - flag if the plugin should be marked as a
-- favorite or not
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:SetFavorite( bFavorite )
if( self.owner ) then
self.owner:SetFavorite( self, bFavorite );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- RefreshPlugins
-- Description: the user has right clicked on a plugin and requested
-- that the manager refresh all plugins
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:RefreshPlugins()
if( self.owner ) then
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- SetIcon
-- Description: the user has right clicked on this plugin and requested
-- that the icon be set. forward on to the manager
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function PluginSlotContainer:SetIcon()
if( self.owner ) then
self.owner:SetIcon( self );