import "Turbine";
import "Turbine.Gameplay";
import "Turbine.UI";
import "Turbine.UI.Extensions";
import "Turbine.UI.Lotro";
import "Turbine.Utils";
import "FrostyPlugins.CustomPluginsManager.PluginSlot"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IconEntryWindow is a popup window owned by the CustomPluginsManager to
-- allow the user to change the location of the icon for a plugin
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
IconEntryWindow = class( Turbine.UI.Window);
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constructor
-- Description: this is where the window is laid out, the fields
-- are created, and events are trapped.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function IconEntryWindow:Constructor()
Turbine.UI.Window.Constructor( self );
-- we will communicate back to the main window
self.owner = nil;
-- --------------------------------------------
-- window layout
-- --------------------------------------------
-- set window properties
self:SetBackground( "FrostyPlugins/CustomPluginsManager/Resources/TooltipBackground.tga" );
self:SetBackColorBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay );
self:SetSize( 300, 88 );
self:SetOpacity( 1 );
self:SetAllowDrop( false );
self:SetMouseVisible( false );
-- create various labels
self.InstructionsLabel = Turbine.UI.Label();
self.InstructionsLabel:SetForeColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0 ) );
self.InstructionsLabel:SetMultiline( false );
self.InstructionsLabel:SetParent( self );
self.InstructionsLabel:SetPosition( 5, 5 );
self.InstructionsLabel:SetSize( 290, 13 );
self.InstructionsLabel:SetText( "Enter the plugin icon path, e.g.:" );
self.ExampleLabel = Turbine.UI.Label();
self.ExampleLabel:SetForeColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0 ) );
self.ExampleLabel:SetMultiline( false );
self.ExampleLabel:SetParent( self );
self.ExampleLabel:SetPosition( 5, 18 );
self.ExampleLabel:SetSize( 290, 13 );
self.ExampleLabel:SetText( "TurbinePlugins\\Vitals\\Resources\\Icon.tga" );
-- create the text box fields
self.iconTextBox = Turbine.UI.Lotro.TextBox();
self.iconTextBox:SetFont( Turbine.UI.Lotro.Font.Verdana14 );
self.iconTextBox:SetMultiline( true );
self.iconTextBox:SetParent( self );
self.iconTextBox:SetPosition( 5, 31 );
self.iconTextBox:SetSize( 290, 30 );
-- create the OK and Cancel buttons
self.OkButton = Turbine.UI.Lotro.Button();
self.OkButton:SetParent( self );
self.OkButton:SetPosition( 30, 63 );
self.OkButton:SetSize( 80, 25 );
self.OkButton:SetText( "Save" );
self.OkButton:SetVisible( true );
self.OkButton.Click = function( sender, args )
if( self.owner ) then
self.owner:UpdateIcon( self.pluginName, self.iconTextBox:GetText() );
self.CancelButton = Turbine.UI.Lotro.Button();
self.CancelButton:SetParent( self );
self.CancelButton:SetPosition( 190, 63 );
self.CancelButton:SetSize( 80, 25 );
self.CancelButton:SetText( "Cancel" );
self.CancelButton:SetVisible( true );
self.CancelButton.Click = function( sender, args )
-- --------------------------------------------
-- event handling
-- --------------------------------------------
-- make sure we listen for key presses
self:SetWantsKeyEvents( true );
-- if the escape key is pressed, hide the window
self.KeyDown = function( sender, args )
-- do this if the escape key is pressed
if ( args.Action == Turbine.UI.Lotro.Action.Escape ) then
sender:SetVisible( false )
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Initialize
-- Description: Initialize the window with information from the
-- plugin slot and show the window
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function IconEntryWindow:Initialize( pluginSlot, owner )
-- the window is owned by the CustomPluginsManager
self.owner = owner;
-- populate the icon directory here
self.pluginName = pluginSlot.PluginName;
self.iconTextBox:SetText( pluginSlot.PluginIcon );
self:SetVisible( true );
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Shutdown
-- Description: Hide the window
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
function IconEntryWindow:Shutdown()
self:SetVisible( false );