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KragenBars by Kragenwar and Valdacil
v3.10 - 2011-01-14

Kragenwar and Valdacil have been working together for the last month and a half on the next generation
of Kragenbars. This new version features all classes (except Warden, expected to be added in a later
version) with all skills organized onto multiple bars and offering contextual feedback as appropriate.
Skills your character is too low to use will be hidden. Please note installation instructions below for
notes on upgrading from an earlier version.

Global Features:
- NEW: Automatic class detection and setup
- NEW: Ability to swap skills between bars
- NEW: Ability to lock swappable skill bars to prevent accidental skill swapping
- NEW: Ability to rotate bars to be horizontal or vertical
- NEW: Option to snap bars to grid for easy alignment
- NEW: Completely revised setup screen better details the options and allows for future additions
- UDATED: Skills respond to combat states (ie. skills not usable in combat hide when combat starts)
- FIXED: Fully compatible with Nov Update and other plugins by changing coding to AddCallback vice
attaching directly to the player. (Now fully compatible with BuffBars and other plugins)
- REVISED: Reorganized directory structure to reduce dependencies on external libraries (please see
upgrade instructions below)

Certain plugins which directly overwrite player functions like InCombatChanged, StanceChanged, EffectAdded and EffectRemoved may break KragenBars functionality if loaded after KragenBars. If things do not seem to be working correctly then ensure that you are loading KragenBars last as KragenBars does not overwrite these functions.

Class Specific:
- Crit chain bars display and update when you crit.
- Find Footing indicator displays when stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Mischief indicator displays when out of combat and not in mischief
- Mischief related skills only display when in mischief (Honed Wit option allows Clever Retort to display out of Mischief)
- Item slots for Marbles, Caltrops and Stun Dust
- FM Response bar displays when the fellowship completes a named FM
- Green Poison indicator appears on Cure Poison/Burglar's Antidote when you have clearable poison debuffs.

- Defeat response bar displays when you receive a defeat response
- Devestating Blow, Pressing Attack and Blade of Elendil only appear when available.
- Option for all three marks on one scrolling quickslot
- Motivating Speech indicator displays when buff is not active
- IDOME indicator displays when buff is not active
- Tactics quickslot contains all 3 tactics (use scroll wheel to change shown tactic). Can be set to either fade or disappear when a tactic is active on the player
- Cry of Vengence indicator displayed upon fellowship member defeat
- Herald scroll quickslot displays when not in combat and fades down to indicate when you have a banner buff on you
- Banner scroll quickslot displays all banner plus Armament for switching back to Heralds. Fades down when you have banner buff active.
- Purple Fear indicator appears on Muster Courage when you have clearable fear debuffs.

- Defeat response bar displays when you receive a defeat response.
- Buff bar displays available buffs (Flurry/Exchange of Blows) depending on your stance. Icons disappear when buffs are activated and come back when they fade off.
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance. Options to hide or dim when in a stance.
- Hedge indicator when disarmed
- Blood Rage indicator when stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Fervor Tracking: Skills only display if you have enough fervor for them.
- Purple Fear indicator appears on Fear Nothing when you have clearable fear debuffs.

- Block and Parry reactive bars display when you block/parry and update as you move down the chain. (Now includes Tier 3 Block/Parry Responses)
- Guardian's Ward quickslot can be set to dim or hide when you have the Guardian's Ward Buff up.  Additional option Early Warning makes the slot hide and then come back dimmed about 3-5 seconds before the buff fades.
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance. Options to hide or dim when in a stance.
- Overpower bar shows if you are in Overpower. Shield Blow, Protection and Shield Wall disappear when in Overpower.
- Turn the Tables indicator displays when you are stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Red Wound indicator appears on Feel No Pain when you have clearable wound debuffs.

- Agile Rejoinder displays if you receive Parry response
- Swift Stroke indicator displays when you don't have the Swift Stroke buff
- Tracking skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance.
- Find the Path indicator can hide or dim when active
- Trapping skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Strength of the Earth hidden when not in combat
- Focus Tracking: Skills only display if you have enough focus for them.
- Fire Oil and Light Oil quickslots configurable in the setup window. When an oil is active that slot will be hidden and the alternate oil slot will dim.
- Ports contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)

- Warding Lore skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Pet buffs contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Pets contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle between pet types; Alt+Scroll to cycle appearances). Setup window has options for which pets and appearences to show when scrolling
- Ancient Wisdom indicator shows when buff is not active
- Pets and Back from the Brink are hidden when in combat 

- Ballad bars and Anthem bar hide as appropriate (ie T2 Ballad bar is hidden until T1 Ballad is cast)
- Option to either hide or dim ballads with active buffs
- Skills only available in Warspeech are hidden if WS is not active
- Dethreat skills only show in combat
- Silence removal skills only show when silenced
- Tales contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Tales indicator dims when a tale is active.

- Calming Verse indicator shows when buff is not active
- Distracting Winds indicator show in combat
- Master of Writs indicator dims when buff is active. Writ skills show/hide depending on whether buff is present.
- Attunement and OffAttunement bars: Attunement bar shows usable Healing or Fury of Storm skills based on whether the player is Healing attuned or Battle attuned. OffAttune bar shows Scribe's Spark and Ceaseless Argument or Prelude to Hope, Rune of Restoration, Mending Verse and Writ of Health based on what is shown on the Attunement bar
- Skills show/hide based on attunement level
- Healing skills hide when out of combat as appropriate

Due to significant reorganization within the KragenPlugs directory, if upgrading from version 2.0 and below it is recommended that you delete your old KragenPlugs folder before installing the new version.  If you are a KragenSlots user you can keep the directories KragenSlots, DUInterface and the file KragenSlots.plugin

Option 1: Use Lotr:O Plugin Assistant by Ify
1) Download KragenBars
2) In Lotr:O Plugin Assistant check the box next to KragenBars then select "Delete Checked"
3) Drag KragenBars.zip downloaded in step 1 onto Lotr:O Plugin Assistant to install it.
4) Launch from within game as normal (via manager or via /plugins load Kragenbars)

Option 2: Manual Install
1) Download KragenBars
2) Delete the KragenPlugs directory from %Documents$\Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins
3) Extract KragenBars.zip downloaded in step 1 to your %Documents%\Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins
4) Launch from within game as normal (via manager or via /plugins load Kragenbars)

Due to significant changes in the PluginData file, anyone upgrading from a version of KragenBars prior to
version 3.00 will have their KragenBar settings reset to KragenBars defaults on first load of versions higher
than 3.00.

The first time Kragenbars is loaded (either via an in-game plugin manager or by executing the command:
"/plugins load Kragenbars") your class will be automatically detected and default options selected. The
Kragenbars setup window will be displayed to further customize the available features.

Once you have configured Kragenbars with your class, you can access setup using:

/kragenbars setup

Other command:
/kragenbars refresh (forces Kragenbars to reprocess the level checking data; useful after leveling up
and training new skills at the trainer)
/kragenbars save (forces Kragenbars to save all options and window positions)
/kragenbars reset (resets all settings defaults and bar positions)
/kragenbars defaultpos (resets bar positions to default)

Known Issues
-The API does not allow us to determine whether the client is in layout mode (CTRL + \) or not. Loading KragenBars while in layout mode will result in drag bars that display/hide when they should be doing the opposite. If this happens just unload and reload the plugin with layout mode turned off.

Version Notes
- Added Hunter "Stance Active" option in the Features panel
- Added Hunter Port skills on a single multislot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Bug fix for Minstrel related to Tales removal.

- Additional bug fix for Minstrel skill Song of Restoration.  Thanks Uendilor for catching this one.
- Bug fix for Guardian and Champion Stance indicators.

- Bug fix for Minstrel skill Song of Restoration/Chorus of Restoration.  Chorus will now replace Song at level 62.
- Optimization of features in Guardian, Champion and Captain setup windows.
- Bug fix for Captain's Motivated, IDoME and Tactics slots.  They should now behave as expected.

- NEW: Automatic class detection and setup
- NEW: Ability to swap skills between bars
- NEW: Ability to lock swappable skill bars to prevent accidental skill swapping
- NEW: Ability to rotate bars to be horizontal or vertical
- NEW: Option to snap bars to grid for easy alignment
- NEW: Completely revised setup screen better details the options and allows for future additions
- UDATED: Skills respond to combat states (ie. skills not usable in combat hide when combat starts)
- FIXED: Fully compatible with Nov Update and other plugins by changing coding to AddCallback vice
attaching directly to the player. (Now fully compatible with BuffBars and other plugins)
- REVISED: Reorganized directory structure to reduce dependencies on external libraries

- This is purely a fix to the problems introduced by the November Lotro Patch. Expect more fixes
and features early next week.

- Fixed some bugs that were causing the individual components to still display on inital load if you had
set them off in the setup window.

- CHAMPION: Fixed an issue where traited versions of Flurry and Exchange of Blows were not working
as intended.

- KragenBars are now movable. Just press Ctrl+/ to unlock the UI and you will find dragbars for the
individual components of KragenBars. Additionally they will hide when you use F12 to hide your UI.
- New options and bars added to all classes, read the class sections above for more details. 
- BURGLAR: The Crit Chain for burgs was changed so that Burglar's Advantage/Double Edged Strike over
lap with the stage 3 responses. This was done because of the cooldowns on Exposed/Flashing Blades
I found that I missed not being able to start the chain over while waiting for cooldowns on
stage 3. Also feint attack will no longer display when you are in Mischief.

Future Plans
- Add Warden class
- Add class consumables w/ appropriate effects
- Update for GetClassAttributes() to better handle class specific features (stances, crit responses, etc)
- Localized versions for German and French clients
- Add ability to rename and resize bars
- Add ability to make bars show only in/out of combat
- Add option to make scroll slots to scroll when right clicked instead of on scroll

Thanks to Digital Utopia for his Timer class and DUInterface UI Library.
Thanks to Deusdictum for his DragBar class. 
Thanks to Pengoros for his permission and assistance in adapting the BuffBars setup window.

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