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[/] [branches/] [UiBuilder-Compat/] [BuildSkin.cs] - Blame information for rev 10

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Line No. Rev Author Line
1 3 Mevordel-4860
using System;
2 Mevordel-4860
using System.Collections.Generic;
3 Mevordel-4860
using System.ComponentModel;
4 Mevordel-4860
using System.Data;
5 Mevordel-4860
using System.Drawing;
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using System.Text;
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using System.Windows.Forms;
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namespace BuildSkin
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    public partial class fBuildSkin : Form
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        public fBuildSkin()
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            // Fill List of Elements
17 Mevordel-4860
            short iCount = 0;
18 Mevordel-4860
            foreach (Control oGroup in sHorizontal.Panel1.Controls)
19 Mevordel-4860
20 Mevordel-4860
                foreach (Control oCtrl in oGroup.Controls)
21 Mevordel-4860
22 Mevordel-4860
                    if (oCtrl.GetType() == typeof(ComboBox))
23 Mevordel-4860
24 Mevordel-4860
                        oAllBoxes[iCount] = ((ComboBox)oCtrl);
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        void OnClose(object oSender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
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        void LoadSkin(object oSender, EventArgs e)
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        void LoadSkin(string sName)
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42 Mevordel-4860
            //Load From file
43 Mevordel-4860
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(sName + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.BuildSkin"))
44 Mevordel-4860
45 Mevordel-4860
                string[] sElements = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(sName + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.BuildSkin"); //Same order as oAllBoxes (+ 2 for resolutions)
46 Mevordel-4860
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                //Load Resolution
48 Mevordel-4860
                if (oResolutionMain.Items.Contains(sElements[0]))
49 Mevordel-4860
50 Mevordel-4860
                    oResolutionMain.SelectedIndex = oResolutionMain.Items.IndexOf(sElements[0]);
51 Mevordel-4860
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                if (oResolutionToolbar.Items.Contains(sElements[1]))
57 Mevordel-4860
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                    oResolutionToolbar.SelectedIndex = oResolutionToolbar.Items.IndexOf(sElements[1]);
59 Mevordel-4860
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                //Fill in ComboBoxes
66 Mevordel-4860
                //Must use for to preserve order, offset 2 for resolution lines
67 Mevordel-4860
                for (short i = 2; i < sElements.Length; i++)
68 Mevordel-4860
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                    string[] sTmp = sElements[i].Split('=');
70 Mevordel-4860
                    foreach (ComboBox oCurrBox in oAllBoxes)
71 Mevordel-4860
72 Mevordel-4860
                        if (((String)oCurrBox.Tag) == sTmp[0])
73 Mevordel-4860
74 Mevordel-4860
                            if (oCurrBox.Items.Contains(sTmp[1]))
75 Mevordel-4860
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                                oCurrBox.SelectedIndex = oCurrBox.Items.IndexOf(sTmp[1]);
77 Mevordel-4860
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                                oCurrBox.SelectedIndex = oCurrBox.Items.IndexOf("Default");
81 Mevordel-4860
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        void BuildSkin(object oSender, EventArgs e)
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            //Open (Create/Overwrite) Files for writing
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98 Mevordel-4860
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\");
99 Mevordel-4860
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                System.IO.StreamWriter fXMLFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.xml", false);
108 Mevordel-4860
                System.IO.StreamWriter fConfFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.BuildSkin", false);
109 3 Mevordel-4860
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                //Save resolution
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113 3 Mevordel-4860
114 5 Mevordel-4860
                //XML Header
115 Mevordel-4860
                fXMLFile.WriteLine("<opt><SkinName Name=\"" + tSkinName.Text + "\" />");
116 Mevordel-4860
117 Mevordel-4860
                //Write content to files
118 Mevordel-4860
                //Use for to preserve order
119 Mevordel-4860
                foreach (ComboBox oCurrBox in oAllBoxes)
120 3 Mevordel-4860
121 5 Mevordel-4860
                    fConfFile.WriteLine(oCurrBox.Tag + "=" + oCurrBox.Text);
122 Mevordel-4860
                    if (oCurrBox.Text == "Default" && ! Options.ExplicitDefaults) { continue; }
123 Mevordel-4860
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(oCurrBox.Tag + "\\" + oCurrBox.Text + ".xml"))
124 3 Mevordel-4860
125 5 Mevordel-4860
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(oCurrBox.Tag + "\\" + oCurrBox.Text + "res\\resenable.xml"))
126 3 Mevordel-4860
127 5 Mevordel-4860
                            if (((String)oCurrBox.Tag) == "Toolbar")
128 Mevordel-4860
129 Mevordel-4860
                                fXMLFile.WriteLine(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(oCurrBox.Tag + "\\" + oCurrBox.Text + "res\\" + oCurrBox.Text + " " + oResolutionToolbar.Text + ".xml"));
130 Mevordel-4860
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                                fXMLFile.WriteLine(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(oCurrBox.Tag + "\\" + oCurrBox.Text + "res\\" + oCurrBox.Text + " " + oResolutionMain.Text + ".xml"));
134 Mevordel-4860
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138 5 Mevordel-4860
                            fXMLFile.WriteLine(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(oCurrBox.Tag + "\\" + oCurrBox.Text + ".xml"));
139 3 Mevordel-4860
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                        if (oCurrBox.Text != "")
144 Mevordel-4860
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                //XML Footer
151 Mevordel-4860
                fXMLFile.WriteLine("</opt> <!-- Built by BuildSkin -->");
152 3 Mevordel-4860
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                //Close Files
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            MessageBox.Show("Skin " + tSkinName.Text + " successfully built/updated.");
163 Mevordel-4860
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        void EditSkin(object oSender, EventArgs e)
165 3 Mevordel-4860
166 Mevordel-4860
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.xml") && System.IO.File.Exists(Options.EditorPath))
167 Mevordel-4860
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                System.Diagnostics.Process procEditor = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
169 Mevordel-4860
                procEditor.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Options.EditorPath, "\"" + tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.xml\"");
170 Mevordel-4860
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        void DeleteSkin(object oSender, EventArgs e)
178 3 Mevordel-4860
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181 5 Mevordel-4860
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.xml"))
182 Mevordel-4860
183 Mevordel-4860
                    System.IO.File.Delete(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.xml");
184 Mevordel-4860
185 Mevordel-4860
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.BuildSkin"))
186 Mevordel-4860
187 Mevordel-4860
                    System.IO.File.Delete(tSkinName.Text + " Skin\\SkinDefinition.BuildSkin");
188 Mevordel-4860
189 Mevordel-4860
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(tSkinName.Text + " Skin"))
190 Mevordel-4860
191 Mevordel-4860
                    System.IO.Directory.Delete(tSkinName.Text + " Skin");
192 Mevordel-4860
193 Mevordel-4860
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                MessageBox.Show("Skin " + tSkinName.Text + " deleted.");
195 3 Mevordel-4860
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        void Preview(object oSender, EventArgs e)
202 3 Mevordel-4860
203 Mevordel-4860
            pPreview.ImageLocation = ((ComboBox)oSender).Tag.ToString() + "\\Preview\\" + ((ComboBox)oSender).SelectedItem.ToString() + ".jpg";
204 Mevordel-4860
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        void LoadOptions()
206 3 Mevordel-4860
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            //Read From File to Variables
208 Mevordel-4860
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(".\\BuildSkin.conf"))
209 Mevordel-4860
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211 Mevordel-4860
212 Mevordel-4860
                    string[] oFileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(".\\BuildSkin.conf");
213 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.EditorPath = oFileContents[0];
214 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.LastSkin = oFileContents[1];
215 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.AvailRes = oFileContents[2].Split(',');
216 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.AvailToolbarRes = oFileContents[3].Split(',');
217 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.ExplicitDefaults = (oFileContents[4].ToLowerInvariant() == "true");
218 Mevordel-4860
                    Options.AutoLoadLast = (oFileContents[5].ToLowerInvariant() == "true");
219 Mevordel-4860
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                catch { ErrorMessage(7); }
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222 Mevordel-4860
            else //Load Defaults
223 Mevordel-4860
224 Mevordel-4860
                Options.EditorPath = "C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe";
225 Mevordel-4860
                Options.LastSkin = null;
226 Mevordel-4860
                Options.AvailRes = new string[] { "800x600", "1024x768", "1152x768", "1280x720", "1280x1024", "1366x768", "1440x900", "1600x900", "1680x1024", "1680x1050", "1920x1080", "1920x1200", "2048x1080", "2048x1536", "2560x1600", "2560x2048" };
227 Mevordel-4860
                Options.AvailToolbarRes = new string[] { "800", "1024", "1152", "1280", "1366", "1440", "1600", "1680", "1920", "2048", "2560" };
228 Mevordel-4860
                Options.ExplicitDefaults = false;
229 Mevordel-4860
                Options.AutoLoadLast = true;
230 Mevordel-4860
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            tSkinName.Text = Options.LastSkin;
236 Mevordel-4860
            if (Options.AutoLoadLast && Options.LastSkin != null) { LoadSkin(Options.LastSkin); }
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        void SaveOptions()
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            //Set Vars
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            Options.LastSkin = tSkinName.Text;
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            //Save to File
244 Mevordel-4860
            string sAvailRes = String.Join(",", Options.AvailRes);
245 Mevordel-4860
            string sAvailToolbarRes = String.Join(",", Options.AvailToolbarRes);
246 Mevordel-4860
            string[] sOptions = {
247 Mevordel-4860
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            try { System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("BuildSkin.conf", sOptions); }
255 Mevordel-4860
            catch { ErrorMessage(7); }
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        void ErrorMessage(int iType)
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            switch (iType)
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                case 0:
262 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Missing SkinDefinition.BuildSkin");
263 Mevordel-4860
264 Mevordel-4860
                case 1:
265 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Missing SkinDefinition.XML");
266 Mevordel-4860
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                case 2:
268 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Unsupported resolution in loaded skin. Please select another.");
269 Mevordel-4860
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                case 3:
271 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Error creating skin files. Check to see if they are in use.");
272 Mevordel-4860
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                case 4:
274 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Error writing to skin files. Check to see if they are in use.");
275 Mevordel-4860
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                case 5:
277 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Missing element XML snippet. Try restarting the program to refresh.");
278 Mevordel-4860
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                case 6:
280 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Error deleting skin.  Check to see if it is in use.");
281 Mevordel-4860
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                case 7:
283 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Error loading or saving options. Check to see if the file is in use.");
284 Mevordel-4860
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                case 8:
286 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("Error opening webpage.");
287 Mevordel-4860
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289 Mevordel-4860
                    MessageBox.Show("An unkown error has occurred.");
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        void RefreshAll()
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            //Refresh Elements
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            foreach (ComboBox oCurrBox in oAllBoxes)
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298 Mevordel-4860
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(((string)oCurrBox.Tag)))
299 Mevordel-4860
300 Mevordel-4860
                    foreach (string sFile in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(((string)oCurrBox.Tag), "*.xml"))
301 Mevordel-4860
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                    if (oCurrBox.Items.Count > 1) { oCurrBox.Enabled = true; }
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            //Refresh Skins
309 Mevordel-4860
            foreach (string sDir in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(".", "* Skin"))
310 Mevordel-4860
311 Mevordel-4860
                tSkinName.Items.Add(sDir.Remove(sDir.Length - 5).Remove(0,2));
312 Mevordel-4860
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        void OptionsWindow(object oSender, EventArgs e)
315 3 Mevordel-4860
316 5 Mevordel-4860
            if (MessageBox.Show("This feature is not yet implemented. Please edit the configuration file manually.", "Options") == DialogResult.OK)
317 Mevordel-4860
318 Mevordel-4860
                //Change Options
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        void NavigateToLI(object oSender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
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            try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info623-BuildSkin.html"); }
325 Mevordel-4860
            catch { ErrorMessage(8); }
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        struct Options
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            public static string EditorPath;
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            public static string LastSkin;
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            public static string[] AvailRes;
332 Mevordel-4860
            public static string[] AvailToolbarRes;
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            public static bool ExplicitDefaults;
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            public static bool AutoLoadLast;
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        static ComboBox[] oAllBoxes = new ComboBox[74];
337 3 Mevordel-4860
338 Mevordel-4860

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