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LoTROInterface SVN BuffWatch

[/] [trunk/] [JackdawPlugins/] [BuffWatch/] [Main.lua] - Blame information for rev 12

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Line No. Rev Author Line
1 6 MrJackdaw-1942
import "Turbine"
2 MrJackdaw-1942
import "Turbine.UI";
3 MrJackdaw-1942
import "Turbine.UI.Lotro";
4 MrJackdaw-1942
import "Turbine.Gameplay";
5 MrJackdaw-1942
import "JackdawPlugins.BuffWatch.Functions"
6 MrJackdaw-1942
import "JackdawPlugins.BuffWatch.Options"
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Buff Watch
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verno="0.4 Beta"
12 6 MrJackdaw-1942
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Reminds you to replace some buffs if you forget.
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You can click the window to dismiss it... but it will always come back!
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Will watch for a maximum of 10 categories of buffs. More than enough I think...
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19 MrJackdaw-1942
The slash commands /bw or /buffwatch will bring up the options window.
20 MrJackdaw-1942
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The showincombat option below allows the window to show even in combat! Only added for testing purposes.
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There seems to be a bug in effects. EffectRemoved that means it is fired even when you GAIN a buff.
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So, currently this calls all the functions TWICE when a buff is gained.
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KNOWN "Features";
28 MrJackdaw-1942
If you click "New Category" after editing the current categories buffs then... you lose the changes. Not serious enough to block.
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Turbine bug - checkboxes you must click on the text NOT the checkbox.
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Make more efficient by not always "scanning all" whenever a buff changes. -- See note above however.
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--Load data
36 MrJackdaw-1942
        RemindMe=Turbine.PluginData.Load( Turbine.DataScope.Character, "BuffWatch" );
37 MrJackdaw-1942
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        if RemindMe==nil then
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                --Default to a hunter who wants food, would like to be in at least one stance and likes to run quick...
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                RemindMe[1].bufflist={  "Stance: Strength",
44 MrJackdaw-1942
                                                                                                "Stance: Precision",
45 MrJackdaw-1942
                                                                                                "Stance: Endurance",
46 MrJackdaw-1942
                                                                                                "Stance: Fleet"}
47 MrJackdaw-1942
                RemindMe[1].reminder=   "Stance"
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                RemindMe[2].bufflist={  "Find the Path"}
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                RemindMe[2].reminder=   "Find the Path"
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                RemindMe[3].bufflist={  "Food"}
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                RemindMe[3].reminder= "Food"
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        --This is a compatability module to stop problems with those who downloaded the original version of this plugin.
61 MrJackdaw-1942
        for i=1, #RemindMe do
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                if RemindMe[i].AndOr==nil then
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        if RemindMe.x==nil then RemindMe.x,RemindMe.y=(Turbine.UI.Display.GetWidth()/2)-75,50 end
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Player = Turbine.Gameplay.LocalPlayer.GetInstance();
71 6 MrJackdaw-1942
effects = Player:GetEffects();
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--Register for events
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76 10 MrJackdaw-1942
 handle1 = AddCallback(effects, "EffectAdded", function(sender, args)
77 6 MrJackdaw-1942
 --Called when an effect is added
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        if Player:IsInCombat() then
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                if showincombat then scanner () end
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 handle2 = AddCallback(effects, "EffectRemoved", function(sender, args)
87 6 MrJackdaw-1942
--Called when an effect is removed,
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-- but FRUSTRATINGLY!, also called when an effect is added, unless the player has no buffs. I think this is because it is re-ordering the buffs.
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        if Player:IsInCombat() then
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                if showincombat then scanner () end
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                scanner ()
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--EffectsCleared not called when adding or removing buffs.
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        --effects.EffectsCleared = function(sender, args)
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-- add a callback
101 MrJackdaw-1942
handle3 = AddCallback(Player, "InCombatChanged", function( sender, args )
102 12 MrJackdaw-1942
        --Turbine.Shell.WriteLine("BW: In combat changed")
103 6 MrJackdaw-1942
        --called when entering or leaving combat
104 MrJackdaw-1942
        if Player:IsInCombat() then
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                if showincombat then scanner () end
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                --Always do a full scan on leaving combat
109 MrJackdaw-1942
                scanner ()
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--Build the table
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--And finally - run for the first time!
116 MrJackdaw-1942

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 08:33 PM.

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